Sunday 29 September 2013

Reviews and Spoilers.

 Okay, so before I go onto the topic of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD,  IT Crowd, and Pokemon X/Y. I'm gonna talk about Spoilers.

 I always prefer not to know hardly anything about a show/film (or nothing at all, if it's a new season of a show I watch) If you already know everything about a show/film then it's not a surprise to watch it. I will watch the odd trailer, but all the interviews with people leaking out key secrets to the story is very tiresome. So I'm gonna try and not spoil anything when I do a review, no key plots, no revealing twists. I'll try my hardest. (Or I'll at least try and warn before I place a spoiler down.)

 Anyway, firstly to Marvel's Agents of SHIELD. It was a very good first episode, lots of good action scenes. It's pretty much as I thought it was going to be. Possibly tried to add too many new characters into the first episode, but I'm pretty sure I can see where the end episode (or the over all story arc is going) not sure if that's a good or bad thing. However I will be watching it every week!

 The last episode of the IT Crowd. What can I say? It was very funny, lots of little references to past episodes. I thought it was gonna go completely in a different direction. However it was great to see the whole gang together, even if it's only for the last time. And yes, I still want all of Roy's Shirts.

 And Pokemon X and Pokemon Y are out in less than a fortnight now, and late on Friday night, screenshots of the game seemed to be appearing on quite a few sites. It looks like some official game reviewers have got the game early. While screen shots were real, a lot of information seemed to be false. While I hate spoilers for lots of stuff, I don't really mind a few spoilers for pokemon. However I will be keeping away from all pokemon news now until the games have been released. But I will blog an odd post or two about the game series as a whole in the next couple of weeks.

 Going back to Disgaea D2 now (another game, which I will talk about very soon), so until next time.

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