Tuesday 24 September 2013

I'm awake!

Rebooting systems.....System start.

 It's been a long time since I tried to start this, and I want to blog more. I'm going to blog more!! (Honestly, you can slap me if needs be)
So let's start with what's happened since last time I blogged. 

  1. Well, I've fallen in love, and felt heart break as she broke up with me.
  2. I've travelled to Japan, with my Martial Arts Group to train with Soke Masaaki Hatsumi. Also, I currently hold the title of 3rd Dan in Bujinkan Ninjutsu.
  3. We've witnessed a fantastic "Doctor" from Matt Smith in Doctor Who, and it'll be sad to see him leave at the end of the year (more about that later.) 
  4. Great load of films were released.
  5. Great load of video games were released.
And now let's look to the future.

  1. Peter Capaldi is THE DOCTOR! Really looking forward to see what he brings to Doctor Who. 
  2. Hopefully will plan another trip to Japan.
  3. Pokemon X/Y are soon to be released, as is Assassins Creed Black Flag! Both look like they'll be amazing!
  4. So many great films from the Hobbit, to Avengers 2!
  5. Playstation 4
  6. Agents of Shield starts soon!
  7. I can't think of a Six!

Well, I've been thinking and writing for an hour, so I'll post this and see you all soon.

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