Friday 27 September 2013

Can't beat that friday feeling.

 So tonight will be a sad and happy night for me. Sad at the fact I'm getting to see one last episode of the "The IT Crowd", and Happy because "Agents of Shield" is finally airing in the UK!

 The IT Crowd was a great program, which I only really got into on their last series (which was in 2010!). After watching two episodes I went and got the Boxset, and watched it back to back. The characters were brilliant! The stories, while short, were well thought out, and the humor was a spot on every single time. Also, I still want all of Roy's Shirts. While it's sad to see it finish, we'll always have the DVD's to turn off and then on again.

 Now, as I were a kid growing up. I remember three superhero stories which I absolutely loved. One was Batman, Second was Superman, and the Third was "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". While I've gone off turtles, and realllly hate most superman stuff now(I still like Batman, Batman is awesome), I've grown into a bit of a Marvel Fan. Spider-man, X-men, Avengers, Daredevil, Punisher, Deadpool, all of them have gained a bigger part of my heart. However during the Avengers film something sad really happened (Spoiler Alert!) Coulson DIED! Why Coulson? WHYYYY!....and imagine my confusion when they announced that they would make a TV show called "Agents of SHIELD", and I saw him walking and talking. I'm really interested into finding out how he survived, and of course, to find out if the show it worth watching at all. I hope to see many other super-heroes that haven't gone onto the big screen .

  So that's my night sorted, I'll blog my views on both programs tomorrow, or later if your good. Also in Pokemon X/Y related news, we only have two weeks left people until we get to play it. Make sure you have your copy pre-ordered!

  So until next time, true believers

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