Wednesday 9 September 2015

Doctor Who "Series 8"

Okay, I originally started writing this last year, but with series 9 on the horizan. I guess I should really get around to finishing this, let's cast our minds back to last series.....
~~~~Wibbly wobbly, timey wimey lines ~~~

Okay, it's taken me a few days to write this as I've been a little busy, but while I have a few moments I thought I jot down my thoughts of this series rather than individual episodes....mainly because I've been lazy. I apologise for that. I write down stuff to remember later on, and then completely forget about it once I've done it.

Anyway, by now all of series 8 has aired. While I've loved Capaldi as the new Doctor. I do have major gripes with the series as it is. It's been a bit of a love-hate affair to be honest, and as always.....Spoilers, duh!

Let's start with a Love thing about the new series....Capaldi.

I've not watched much of Peter Capaldi in any other programs (apart from the Torchwood episode, and when he appeared in the Fires of Pompeii episode of David Tennants era of Doctor Who. I really liked him in that those episodes) Anyway, when he was shown to be the new Doctor. I was happy, really happy. I thought "Yes! They'll be less likely to do a love affair with any assistant now!", my second thought was "Wow, he has a really menacing face. Please be a darker doctor, please be a darker doctor!!" He has lived up to my expectations, and more. He still has that silly, quirky side. To me, that's more Doctor-ish.

Now for a hate.....Earth, the only sci-fi setting you'll ever need.

I think the TARDIS should be renamed the "Time and Relative Dimension in London." 4 out of the 12 episodes take place in Outer space. That's right, 8 episodes take place on Earth, and six of those are in london, one in sherwood, and one in Bristol (but they were on their way to London.) Plus One of the four episodes that wasn't in Londo....I meant Earth. Was on the Moon!

I'm not saying this for the sake of saying it, but two of my favourite episodes of this series were two of the episodes set in space. "Mummy on the Orient Express" (it's a space train), and "Time Heist". I mean, don't get me wrong, the Lon....Earth episodes are great. But I'd really like an equal footing of Space travel with Earth travel. Even go to different places around Earth rather than spending every episode in London.

Speaking of something different...bow to your Master!

Female Master. Do like. Remember The Master hasn't always looked like a man. He hasn't always looked human. Plus I really didn't see her coming out as The Master. Although, "Killing her" seems a really lame way of finishing the episode. We know that The Master never stays dead, it's really old hat of dealing with them.

Something that should have died....Clara.

Well, okay. Probably not died, but she's way past her time. One to two series is great time for an assistant. I was being to tire of her half way through this series. Maybe it was her lying to both Danny and The Doctor. It's not Jenna, I think Jenna is a great Actress, but everything runs it's course, and I feel like hers in Doctor Who should be over.

Of course, saying all this. I'm still going to watch Series Nine, and heck, I'll probably enjoy it. Still, there will always be one or two little bits that could do with Tweeking. However, I must say, without a doubt. Capaldi, is probably, my Doctor. (And I've always had a hard time choosing a favourite Doctor.)

1 comment:

  1. "Something that should have died... Clara."
    Let me bow down to you. I don't hear this enough.
    She has been on my nerves all season, hoping she would die somehow. She really just isn't as amazing as Moffat thinks her to be!
    She was a nice fresh face during the first half of the 7th season, but she quickly got boring.
    As long as Moffat is more than just a writer for the next amazing two parter, I'm not enjoying Doctor Who. And I hate not being able to enjoy it. Capaldi did a great job but he was held back so much, I know it.
    End rant
    You wrote it great, thanks :)
