Monday 25 August 2014

Doctor Who. "Deep Breath"

Firstly a warning. Yes, spoilers from here on out. I don't like to spoil stuff for other people, but I do warn as I know there are still some people out there that don't like spoilers.

Right. Let's just make one thing clear, these are all my opinions. They may differ from your opinions. Don't like my opinions, then please be polite as possible.

I really liked this episode. But before we even get to the episode, let me just say "Wow, wah, wee, wah!" to the opening credits. Clocks, Gears, Time, and Capaldi's Eyes!! While the theme song seems a bit off, I can't really fault the CG style.

Firstly, The Doctor. I honest didn't expect much of his personality coming through on this one. He's just regenerated, his mind is still regenerating. It's always gonna take a while before we see the True 12th Doctor to appear, and I think he did towards the end of the episode. Scottish (possibly from influence still from Amy, since he does mention her in the episode), attack eyebrows, old (and he recognizes the face, not sure if that episode of Fires of Pompeii is a hint for a future story, but we'll see.) He also goes through a lot of mannerisms from past Doctors (again, possibly due to the regeneration effect in his mind.).

However, I do love the fact he's got this even darker side. Although, I hope they don't get rid of his slightly comedic side (asking for the children's menu.). Hopefully he'll get more a depth look at his character next week.

Right, Clara. The Impossible Girl being nearly all the weird Fanboys, and Fangirls, complaining that the new Doctor is old. I liked this idea, that they used her to get the message of the Doctor being older, and more different. More so using 11th to reassure her that he's not her Boyfriend, and the Doctor isn't there really to have a love interest. And although, that said. Through the episode she discovers that she still knows the Doctor (by having her back when the clockwork man was going to kill her, and getting changed when the Doctor was returning to pick her up.).

I can't say much about the Victorian Trio, as they're always fantastic, and brilliant.

As for the episode it'self, it was pretty good. Okay, it was the clockwork robots stealing peoples organs to rebuild themselves, but I think this series is going to be looking back on a lot of Doctor Who episodes anyway. So we shall see where this over all story arc goes. I liked the Doctor flirting with the Dinosaur, and the interaction with Clara and the Victorian Trio. The Doctor talking to the Tramp seemed pretty dark, but I think that's partly showing off how scary the new Doctor not only looks, but acts. (Although, Attack Eyebrows!! XD ) The ending seemed really well put, and again showing off the more darker side to this new Doctor.

And at the end with the human clockwork man in Paradise. I think the Doctor took his robotic memory, and implanted it into the Tardis (hence the mysterious woman claims to be the Doctor's wife/partner.), or the Doctor took the human clockwork man to that planet Apalapucia that they went to in the episode "The Girl that waited" as I'm sure that garden looked the same one.

Anyway, I had faith in this series and Doctor that it would be a great one. So far, it looks like my trust was well placed. Although, not a great episode, but not a terrible one. 6/10.

Next week, 12 vs Daleks!! Not to be one to miss methinks!

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