Wednesday 23 July 2014

He's a coming!!

So, we're about a month away from the new Doctor's First episode. I have not watched one trailer, and I don't really want to start. It's not because I don't like Peter Capaldi, or don't think the show will survive with an "old Doctor". Far from it, I think he's going to be fantastic, and it'll be great to get away from a Companion/Doctor Romance.

But I don't want to be spoiled by anything. So many trailers (in films, as well as shows) put way too many spoilers into their trailers. Just keep it simple. Look at the first couple of trailers for the 9th, and 10th Doctor's. Heck, even the first trailer I saw for 11th was fantastic. Not too much spoiler, an odd face of what was to come. That's good, but to put clips of the show kind of spoils the show as you'll know exactly what the next words will be, or even (and films do this bit ever too much) the comedic bits!! Thanks for making the joke now not funny, because we'll watch the trailer a bazillion times, and memories it all off by heart.

The thing is it's hard not to keep away from the trailer as it is a big thing. (I think nearly everyone has posted it multiple times on social media sites.) And then we still get it flashed up on TV in ad breaks, although since I'm normally playing video games I don't tend to catch it as much as I use to.

However, even if I don't click on the trailer. People will post, "did you see such and such in the trailer?", I can't wait to see that person again!" or "how they're going to make them come back?". (Except they actually put the name of the person in there.)

Don't get me wrong. I will be glued to the set when it comes on TV. But please hush up on spoilers, not everyone wants to know every second of what will happen. Some of us like to just enjoy the ride, the thrill, and the surprises as they come to us as they're meant to be. Without us trying to second guess it!

Also, don't get me started on the leaked episode scandal!!

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